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Doğayı Duyanlar Doğa Sporları Kulübü || Dağcılık Kulübü, Doğa Sporları, Dağcılık Kulübü Ankara, Ankara Dağcılık Eğitimi, Ankara Dağcılık Malzemeleri

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Kulübümüzün amacı; dağcılık ve doğa sporlarına olumlu yönde yapacağı her türlü çalışma ile insana ve doğaya katkıda bulunmak,ülke içinde ve dışında sosyal ilişkilerde bulunarak bu sporların her yaş grubunda yaygınlaşmasına ve gelişmesine katkıda bulunmak, doğa insan ilişkilerinde olması gereken dengenin bozulmaması için çalışmalarda bulunmaktır.


To contribute to the human and nature with all positive works for the mountaineering and nature sports, to contribute for spreading and developing of those sports at all age groups by establishing the social relationships in the country and abroad, to carry out the works in order to maintain the balance between the nature and human relationships which must exist.

In this context, as our Club trains up the well-educated sportsman by providing training and carrying out the activities in one hand, it causes the people who are disabled to go to the nature because of any reasons (visually-impaired, having different health problems, etc.) at all age groups meet the nature.


1.In the principle of developing the mountaineering and nature sports in Turkey by causing the sportsmen who complete or wish to complete the mountaineering training and are productive;

a.It carries out the scientific research activities on the mountaineering and mountain sports in the country and abroad, organizes the competitions and sends the sportsmen to the organized competitions.
b.It carries out the theoretical studies and practical works in order to establish a standard training schedule by adapting the progressive and systematic training programs which have been accepted for the mountaineering and nature sports until today to the nowadays’ conditions.
c.It establishes the communication with the associations, university and sport clubs which are interested in the mountaineering and nature sports on the theoretical, practical and technical issues.
d.It executes the research on mountaineering and nature sports’ accidents and rescue organizations and contributes to the rescue organizations.
e.It prepares the introduction programs addressing to the nature loving communities and organizes the nature activities.

2.In the principle of benefiting from the nature in favors of the human and nature without damaging to them,

a.Attends to and supports all activities on conserving the mountains and wild nature and if necessary, organizes such activities and establishes the public opinion on this issue,
b.Struggles against the organizations, institutions and individuals who damage to the natural life at the legal frameworks.

3.In order to increase the achievements of the association and to inform the nature sportsmen and nature loving individuals on the concerned issues,

a.Delivers the foreign publications to the nature loving individuals.
b.After the activities which it organizes, it issues the written and visual documents.
c.Compiles all technical data on the regions where mountaineering and nature sports are performed.


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